11th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry

The 11th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry will take place on 11-12 October 2021 at the Divani Caravel Hotel Athens, Greece.

The International Conference is organized by the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association HOPE-A (www.hope-a.com) and the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN (www.ltfn.gr).

This International Conference will bring together Key Industrial Players, End-Users, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Top-class Scientists, Engineers, Policy Makers, Politicians and Representatives from the National, European and International Authorities to discuss, networking, make business and establish the Strategy and Policy for boosting the rapidly evolving Green Flexible & Printed Electronics hundred-Billion euros Industry in Green Energy, Renewable Technologies, Fuel Cells, Green Hydrogen, Energy Autonomous Systems, Lighting, Electronics and Communications, Automotive, Electrical Vehicle, Buildings, Smart Cities, Agriculture, Intelligent Packaging and Security, Health Care, Wearables, IoT, etc. contributing to a Green, Digital, Decarbonized and Circular Economy Society and Planet.

The topics to be discussed include:

  • Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics and Photonics
  • Green & Renewable Energy
  • 3rd Generation Photovoltaics
  • Bioenergy, Fuel Cells & Green Hydrogen Generation
  • Energy Storage and Batteries
  • Flexible Lighting and Displays
  • Energy and Lighting for Smart Buildings, Smart Cities, Automotive, Greenhouses, Healthcare, IoT
  • Energy Autonomous systems in Consumer Electronics, Smart Packaging, Tourism, Defence, etc.
  • Energy Production and Energy Autonomy in Agriculture and Food Production
  • 3D Printing Electronics in System Integration of Functional Products and Solutions
  • Advanced materials, Semiconductors, Electrodes, High Barrier Materials, Inks and Bioinks
  • Sensors, Biosensors in Wearables, IoT, Health, Agriculture, etc.
  • Manufacturing, Nano-Manufacturing and Processes of FPEs, BioElectronics, etc
  • Smart Textiles, Fashion and Wearables
  • Intelligent and Smart Packaging, Safety and Security
  • Machines, Tools, Lasers, Automation Systems, Robotics, Analytics and AI for Zero-Defect Manufacturing
  • Machines and Tools for Digital Transformation of the Industry
  • FPEs in Green Deal and Decarbonization Global Activities and Policies
  • Clusters and Associations in Flexible & Printed Electronics Worldwide
  • Flexible & Printed Electronics Entrepreneurial activities
  • Markets, Funding & Commercialization Opportunities

HOPE-A members benefit from reduced registration fees!

Find out more here

Organized by:

hopea logo ltfn logo auth logo


11ice poster small 

Download the poster from here.

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12-13 October 2020, Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece

The Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association (HOPEA) and the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN co-organize the 10th Conference & Exhibition on Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry. The event will bring together Key Industrial Players, End-Users, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Top-class Scientists, Engineers, Policy Makers and Representatives from the National, European and International Authorities to discuss, network and establish the Strategy and Policy for boosting the rapidly evolving Flexible & Printed Electronics (FPEs) hundred-Billion euros Industry. FPEs revolutionizes applications in Green Energy, Energy Autonomous Systems, Lighting, Electronics and Communications, Automotive, Smart Buildings, Smart Cities, Greenhouses, Intelligent Packaging and Security, Health Care, Wearables, IoT, etc. all contributing to a Clean, Green and Circular Economy and the Digital Tranformation of industry, economy and society.

The Conference & Exhibition will be a Hybrid event, combining both Live (On-site) and Virtual (On-line) presentations and participation.

Topics include:

  • Flexible & Printed Electronics and Photonics
  • 3D Printing Electronics in System Integration of Functional Products and Solutions
  • Advanced materials, Semiconductors, Electrodes, High Barrier Films, Inks, Bioinks
  • Energy and Energy Autonomous systems, in Consumer Electronics, Tourism, Buildings, Agriculture, Defense, etc.
  • Manufacturing and Processes of Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics
  • Energy and Lighting for Smart Buildings, Automotive, Greenhouses, Healthcare, etc.
  • Smart Cities, Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Smart Textiles, Fashion and Wearables
  • Sensors, Biosensors in Wearables, IoT, Health, Agriculture, etc.
  • Intelligent and Smart Packaging, Safety and Security
  • Automation Systems and Robotics for Zero-Defect Manufacturing
  • Printed Organic Electronics and Automation
  • Tools for the Digital Transformation of the Industry
  • Clusters and Associations in Flexible & Printed Electronics Worldwide
  • Flexible & Printed Electronics Entrepreneurial activities
  • Funding and Commercialization Opportunities

Find out more here.

Organized by:

hopea logo ltfn logo auth logo


10ce poster small 

Download the poster from here.

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The 9th Workshop on Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry (Targeting the Digital Transformation) – the leading event in the groundbreaking multi-billion sector of Flexible & Printed Electronics – co-organized by HOPE-A and the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, which was held on the 22nd of October in Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens, concluded with great success and eagerness for collaborations which will make use of the sector’s potential and will drive the country’s economy forward.

The Workshop brought together top Stakeholders from Greece and from abroad coming from a wide range of fields where FPEs are applied and which FPEs revolutionize, i.e. Energy, Lighting, Electronics, the Automotive Industry and Transport, Intelligent Packaging, Smart Textiles and Wearables, Sensors and Biosensors, Healthcare, and their interconnection to the IoT which will digitally transform the Industry. Inspiring talks were given by internationally acknowledged scientists and engineers on how state-of-the-art technologies generated in Greece have to be exploited by the Industry. Key industrial players presented how they integrate FPEs in their business endeavors and what promising applications and challenges emerge. Business Associations and Cluster coordinators outlined their activities in coordinating industrial players with the scope to grab the chance lying ahead and create joint ventures. Moreover, representatives from Venture Capital firms and the European Commission informed the attendees on funding opportunities there are to support their entrepreneurial plans and collaborations.

9ws 01 9ws 02 9ws 03

photo left - Prof. S. Logothetidis, HOPE-A President, photo middle - (Mr. D. Mantis, President of the Association of Greek Manufacturers of Packaging & Materials, photo right - Dr. N. Li Pira, Centro Ricerche Fiat

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photo left - Dr. G. Gkikas, A. Hatzopoulos S.A., photo right - Mr. P. Kitsikopoulos, ELVE

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photo left - Ms A. Tasigiorgou, European Commission, photo right - Ms. K. Kanteraki, Metavallon VC

The Greek national authorities showed their actual support to the Workshop’s goals, where the Deputy Minister of Environment & Energy, Mr. S. Famellos, and the Director of the Office of the Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications & Media, Mr. P. Skoutas, greeted the event highlighting the significance the exploitation of FPEs holds for the country’s economy and position in the new digital era.

9ws 07 9ws 08

photo left - Dep. Minister of Environment & Energy, Mr. S. Famellos, photo right - Dir. Office of Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications & Media, Mr. P. Skoutas

In the networking sessions, the Workshop’s attendees shared their experiences, concerns and aspirations in order to find common ways of work towards the commercialization of this rapidly evolving field.

9ws 09 9ws 10

The Workshop was brought to an end with the Start-Up competition session, where Start-Ups pitched their business and the ones with the most innovative and well-structured plan were subsequently awarded. HOPE-A is at the forefront of promoting the Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics field, adding value to its members and bringing them close with international Stakeholders, with the scope to boost the country’s economy. Off to the next such inspiring Workshop!

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The Workshop will take place on October 22nd 2018, 09.00 am at the Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens.
The Workshop will bring together Top-class Scientists, Engineers, Key Industrial Players, End-Users, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Policy Makers and Representatives from the National and EU Authorities to discuss, network and establish the Strategy and Policy for boosting the rapidly evolving Flexible & Printed Electronics multi-Billion Industry in Green Energy, Lighting, Electronics, Automotive, Smart Buildings, Greenhouses, Intelligent Packaging, Wearables, IoT, etc. and its role in the Digital Transformation of the Industry.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Flexible & Printed Electronics Sector and Activities
  • Manufacturing and Processes of Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics
  • Printed Organic Electronics and Automation in Factories of the Future
  • Tools for the Digital Transformation of the Industry
  • Energy and Lighting for Smart Buildings, Automotive, Greenhouses, Healthcare, etc.
  • Sensors, Biosensors in Electronics, Smart Textiles, Wearables, Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Intelligent and Smart Packaging
  • Clusters and Associations in Flexible & Printed Electronics Worldwide
  • Flexible & Printed Electronics Entrepreneurial activities
  • Funding & Commercialization Opportunities

Visit the workshop's website - www.ltfn.gr/9workshop

Organized by:

ltfn logo hopea logo

Supported by:

nanonet logo cornet logo smartline logo oet logo blnanobiomed logo pac logo

Workshop's Poster

9ws poster small 

Download the workshop's poster from here.

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The 8th Workshop "Boosting the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece" took place at Thessaloniki, Greece at May 30th 2016 with the participation of several representatives from Academia, Industry and representatives from regional and national goverment. The Workshop started with the inauguration of the newly founded Center of Organic and Printed Electronics - Hellas (COPE-H), which is an initiative of Nanotechnology Lab LTFN of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Download the Press Release here.

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HOPE-A co-organized with the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN with great success the 8th Workshop - "Boosting the Organic and Printed Electronics Industry in Greece" on Monday 30th of May. During the event, the participants had the opportunity to learn about the last Business and scientific innovations and new trends in the Organic and Printed Electronics industry.

8thworkshop 12 8thworkshop 08

8thworkshop 05 8thworkshop 13

Distinguished guests from business, scientific and political sector, as well as national and public authorities’ representatives participated in the event. Among others with their presence honored the event Ms Maria Kollia Tsaroucha - Deputy Minister of the Interior for Makedonia and Thrace, Mr Vasileios Vairamidis – Brigadier General as a Representative of the political and military leadership of Ministry of Defence, Mr Theofanis Papas - Deputy Head of Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Environment of Region Authority of Central Makedonia and Mr Theodoros Papadopoulos - Mayor of Thermi city. During the Workshop, Mr Marcos Bolaris - Deputy Minister of Agriculture, was informed about all the actions of COPE-H and HOPE-A.

8thworkshop 01 8thworkshop 07

8thworkshop 14 8thworkshop 06

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The Event will take place on May 30 2016, 09.00 am at Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki Hotel. This exciting event will also include the Inauguration of the Center for Organic & Printed Electronics - Hellas (COPE-H).

The Workshop targets to form the Strategy and Policy to boost the Organic & Printed Electronics Industry in Greece and beyond, with the participation of scientists, engineers, industrial partners, final users, enterpreneurials, VCs and representatives from national authorities.

Some of the Topics that will be discussed are:

  • Center of Organic & Printed Electronics (COPE-H)
  • Outlook for the Greek and International OEs sector
  • Opportunities from NSRF, RIS3, SME Instrument, Fast Track
  • Funding Opportunities and Strategy for OEs Enterprises
  • Commercialization & Industrialization opportunities
  • Manufacturing and Processes of Organic & Printed Electronics
  • OPVs for Energy in Automotive, Buildings, Greenhouses, WT
  • OLEDs for Lighting, Displays and Signage
  • Applications in Smart Packaging, Smart Textiles, Wearables, IoT
  • OEs Start-ups and SME Companies in Greece
  • Clusters and Associations in OEs Worldwide (HOPE-A, COPT, AFELIM, OES, JAPEC)

Organized by:

ltfn logo   hopea logo

Supported by:

auth logo  nanonet logo   nanotexnology logo    smartonics logo    basmati logo     hopei logo     oet logo    bl logo prisma logo   portopalace logo   7thframework logo   h2020 logo    tiz logo  praxi logo    svve logo     seve logo

Media Sponsors:

kabusiness logo   anampa logo   1049 logo   voria logo



Below you can find the event's poster and the Workshop's preliminary agenda.


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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 16:47

Cooperation Agreement between HOPE-A & AFELIM

During the 7th Workshop, on 19 December 2014, Prof. S. Logothetidis (HOPE-A) and Mr. J. Gomez (AFELIM) signed the agreement of the cooperation. You can find more information about AFELIM here.

Below you can see some highlights during the signing of the agreement.


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