CORNET Horizon 2020 EU Project will develop a unique Open Innovation Environment (OIE) covering the triangle of Manufacturing, Modelling and Experimentation, and will optimize the Organic Large area Electronic materials' and devices' manufacturing processes.

HOPE-A's role in the project is summarized in the following four main actions:

  • Establishment of the OIE Platform
  • Tracking of Stakeholders' Standardization needs
  • Clustering and Networking activities
  • Dissemination and promotion of CORNET innovations

HOPE-A will make use of its strong worldwide network, encompassing more than 2000 Stakeholders active in the entire value chain of the OEs Industry, to enable the widespread adoption of the protocols, the OIE Database and the OIE Platform established in CORNET. HOPE-A will effectively disseminate CORNET innovations for their faster market uptake and the generation of new applications and products. HOPE-A will induce industrial collaborations and the connection with the Scientific Community and the Society by the organization of networking events and activities. HOPE-A will provide useful feedback from its networks, which will configure the progress of CORNET and will ensure that CORNET innovations fulfill its Stakeholders’ needs.

For more information visit CORNET's website


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