Wednesday, 18 December 2019 16:54

HOPE-A at the 2019 SEV Industrial Conference, 19 Dec.


The 2019 SEV Industrial Conference takes place on 19 December 2019 in Athens and the moto of the event is “Industry 4.0 A growth opportunity Greece should not miss”. In this frame HOPE-A, as an organization that promotes the digitalization and boosts the Greek industry, could not be absent of this event. In this conference new technologies, business models and entrepreneurial norms across Europe will be presented. Additionally, the need for the digital transformation of Greek industries in order to improve competitiveness, employment, and social welfare will be highlighted. Collaboration and mobility of all the available resources such as government, private sector, academia, R&D community is the main objective for the integration of the technological and digital advancements into production processes.

You will find more information here!