The Smartonics Project was awarded by EU as the 1st Runner-Up for the Best Project Competition, in recognition of the project's potential impact, dissemination and outreach towards industry and society. The competition and award ceremony have took place during the EuroNanoForum 2017 on 22 June 2017, where the top FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects had the opportunity to share their success stories, showcase their demos and concepts.
Prof. Stergios Logothetidis (Project Coordinator) received the prize for the Project's nomination on behalf of the Smartonics consortium.
Smartonics is an EU funded Large Scale Integrating Project, with a total budget of 12 MEuros and 18 partners from 6 different European countries.
Smartonics is a Large Scale Integrating R&D Project funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (NMP.2012.1.4-1 Pilot lines for precision synthesis of nanomaterials). The Smartonics project developed the smart nanomaterials (polymer, small molecule, plasmonic nanoparticles, super-barriers for encapsulation) & computational approaches, smart tools (in-line optical metrology tools, laser patterning and inkjet printer) and combined these in two unique Pilot Lines (Roll-to-Roll printing and Organic Vapour Phase Deposition) for the precision synthesis of Organic Electronic (OE) devices such as Organic Photovoltaics.