Thursday, 05 December 2019 12:32

Invitation to join the CORNET OIE Platform

About the CORNET H2020 project

Main priority of the Horizon 2020 CORNET project is to establish an Open Innovation Environment (OIE) scheme to coordinate the current efforts in the triangle of manufacturing, modelling and experimentation of Organic/Large Area Electronic (OLAE), with the scope to achieve widespread adoption of relevant protocols and standards and faster market uptake of innovations.

About the CORNET OIE Platform

The CORNET OIE Platform is an interactive web-based, well-organized and friendly environment that interconnects entities from the academic, research, industrial and business communities interested in the triangle of Manufacturing, Modeling and Experimentation of the Organic/Large Area Electronics (OLAE) and their commercialization.

Via the CORNET OIE Platform, the users are able to communicate with each other to solve common problems in the OLAE field, map the competences and infrastructure of their organization and notify the community about their current activities!

Grab the chance to engage with already existing and newly formed clusters, industrial and academic research entities, standardization bodies and other OIE schemes by registering to the CORNET OIΕ Platform!

Key Features of the CORNET OIE Platform

The CORNET OIE Platform composes an Innovation Hub which incorporates:

  • A Communication Platform for Networking & Clustering purposes
  • Competence and Activities Catalogues of the registered Organizations
  • Infrastructure Lists of the registered Organization, Companies etc.
  • Mobility and Training opportunities

Why Join the CORNET OIE Platform community?

By participating in the CORNET OIE Platform you can:

  • Explore the OLAE Community: Get in contact with experts and key players, explore all the new trends and hot topics, seek for new ideas and gain access to state-of-the-art solutions for you.
  • Be easily Tracked: Sign-up and fill in your organization’s competences, activities & interests and get easily traceable to related parties looking for collaborations, partnerships, suppliers, etc.
  • Make yourself visible: Submit your questions, ideas, clarifications, suggestions or arguments in the specially designed discussion board. Post the topic you want to discuss and experience the unique interaction with other users!
  • Communicate: Connect with the rest of the registered users and send a direct message or an email. So easy and straightforward!
  • Network: Widen your network, create synergies and contacts with stakeholders, combine different specialties and establish new collaborations!
  • Be trained: Increase your innovation capacity, exchange information and skills!

You can join by clicking here.

 For your assistance click on the following step-by-step registration guide: