Monday, 18 September 2017 12:51

Smartline Kickoff meeting

On the 15th of September, the Kick-off meeting of SmartLine Project took place. SmartLine is funded by the EU Horizon2020​ research and innovation programme and will be coordinated by the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN. The Project's mission is to create intelligent and zero-defect manufacturing processes of Organic Electronic devices by developing robust and non-destructive in-line metrology tools and a process control platform. For more info visit SmartLine's website


Greek Minister of Digital Policy Telecommunications & Media, Mr. Nikos Pappas visited the Center of Organic & Printed Electronics (COPE-H), founded by the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, where he was informed about the pioneering research conducted at the Center and the activities of the HOPE-A. Also members of the HOPE-A discussed with him a robust plan of future action for the progress of the Association.


Prof. Stergios Logothetidis, President of HOPE-A, presented the organization's activities and the Digital manufacturing of OEs, at the Beijing University of Graphic and Communications, School of Printing & Packaging Engineering. The President of the Industrial Alliance of Printed Electronics China (IAPEC), Prof. Li Luhai and the President of the Center of Organic & Printed Electronics China, Prof. Zheng Cui were also psesent,in the framework of a future collaboration between HOPE-A and IAPEC.

bejing 01 bejing 02

Friday, 14 July 2017 12:56

NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017 Highlights

NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017 concluded successfully on the 8th of July 2017, after an exciting week full of important technological, business and networking parallel events. LTFN Nanotechnology Lab, together with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Nano|Net Research and Innovation Network and HOPE-A, co-organized this year’s events.
The ISSON17 Summer Schools opened this year’s NANOTEXNOLOGY on Saturday 1st of July. ISSON17 comprised of fascinating lectures on Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics and Nanomedicine gathering more than 105 students from 26 different countries and 25 internationally acknowledged experts!


Coming next, ISFOE17 Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics started on Monday 3rd of July with more than 161 presentations from 33 different countries, to be followed by NN17 Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies which started on Tuesday 4th of July encompassing 400 presentations from 49 different countries. During the fourth day of NANOTEXNOLOGY exciting plenary talks were delivered by three world-class scientists (Prof. S. Marder, Prof. H. Snaith and Prof. J. Seiradakis), where the attendants had the opportunity to be informed about all the cutting-edge updates on the fields of Nanotechnologies and Organic Electronics and watch an interesting lecture about the Antikythera Mechanism!


This year 7 New Parallel Workshops and Events enriched NANOTEXNOLOGY’s program with more than 100 presentations from 20 countries. Starting on Monday July 3rd during ISFOE, the HOPE-A & JAPEC Joint Workshop took place, highlighting the cooperation between Greece and Japan in the fields of Technology, Innovation and Business in the era of Organic Electronics. The Workshop included presentations explaining the technology and entrepreneurial activities of HOPE-A and JAPEC partners. During the first day of NN conference, the Photonic Integrated Circuits Workshop took place, where the participants had the chance to give an overview of the Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) technology, bringing together the PIC value chain of Europe’s key players in the field. Two new shared workshops took place on July 6th and 7th during the ISFOE symposium and NN conference; the New Business development and Commercialization workshop aiming at fostering actions on the exploitation and commercialization of scientific research and innovations on nanotechnology related fields and the Workshop on Renewable Energy and Storage with topics like next gen. PVs, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen generation, Smart Cities, Energy autonomy in Agriculture etc. Both Workshops gathered an exciting list of speakers and many representatives of the authorities between the audience like the Greek Alternate Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Socrates Famellos. During the last day of NN conference, Friday July 7th, three more workshops took place. The NANO-GR and EU-USA Workshops, developed in two continuous sessions in the NN program, with presentations of active and past Greek and EU funded projects in the first part and discussion of the current activities in nanomanufacturing and factory of the future between USA and EU academics, researchers and entrepreneurs during the second part. Finally a Workshop to honor Prof. Y. Missirlis brought the last day of the conference to an end with many speakers giving talks to pay tribute to Prof. Missirlis for his continuous multifaceted support of these conferences during all this years.



Along with the Conferences and Summer Schools, EXPO17 the exhibition on Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics and Nanomedicine gathered more than 50 exhibitors from different countries, together with a Matchmaking Event with more than 180 bilateral meetings and Business Forum with presentations from companies' representatives, where only some of the highlights of this year’s NANOTEXNOLOGY.


HOPE-A, together with LTFN Nanotechnology Lab successfully organized and participated at NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017 on July 1-8 2017. We would like to thank you once more for your contribution to this exciting event and for visiting our booth C6. We hope that you enjoyed your participation in NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017 and that you had fruitful discussions and networking. Below you can find some photos of the event. Visit to find out more.



In the framework of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017 and during ISFOE17 , on Monday July 3rd, the HOPE-A & JAPEC Joint Workshop took place, highlighting the cooperation between Greece and Japan in the fields of Technology, Innovation and Business in the era of Organic Electronics. The Workshop included presentations explaining the technology and entrepreneurial activities of HOPE-A and JAPEC partners. Below you can find some of the workshop's highlights.


The Smartonics Project was awarded by EU as the 1st Runner-Up for the Best Project Competition, in recognition of the project's potential impact, dissemination and outreach towards industry and society. The competition and award ceremony have took place during the EuroNanoForum 2017 on 22 June 2017, where the top FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects had the opportunity to share their success stories, showcase their demos and concepts.

Prof. Stergios Logothetidis (Project Coordinator) received the prize for the Project's nomination on behalf of the Smartonics consortium.


Smartonics is an EU funded Large Scale Integrating Project, with a total budget of 12 MEuros and 18 partners from 6 different European countries.

Smartonics is a Large Scale Integrating R&D Project funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (NMP.2012.1.4-1 Pilot lines for precision synthesis of nanomaterials). The Smartonics project developed the smart nanomaterials (polymer, small molecule, plasmonic nanoparticles, super-barriers for encapsulation) & computational approaches, smart tools (in-line optical metrology tools, laser patterning and inkjet printer) and combined these in two unique Pilot Lines (Roll-to-Roll printing and Organic Vapour Phase Deposition) for the precision synthesis of Organic Electronic (OE) devices such as Organic Photovoltaics.

LTFN performed a large Press Conference took place on 29 June 2017 at the Porto Palace Conference Hotel, Thessaloniki, in order to inform the public about the prestigious award of the FP7 EU Project Smartonics coordinated by LTFN and the inauguration of the NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017 multi-event at 1st July in Thessaloniki.

The first part of the press conference focused on the presentation of the Award of the EU Smartonics Project by EU during the EuroNanoForum 2017 event organized by EU in Valeta, Malta at 21-23 June 2017. Smartonics has been awarded as a 1st Runner Up for the Best Project Competition, a highly prestigious award from EU in recognition of the project's potential impact, dissemination and outreach towards industry and society.

LTFN presented the upcoming NANOTEXOLOGY 2017 annual multi-event that will takes place for 14 consecutive years, including premier and internationally established conferences, summer schools, exhibition and matchmaking events! This year new special workshops take place in the framework of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017. In particular the following:

  • New Business Development & Commercialization Workshop, 6-7 July
  • Workshop to honor Prof. Y. Missirlis
  • 3rd NANO-GR
  • EU-USA Workshop
  • Workshop on renewable Energy & Storage
  • HOPE-A 7 JAPEC Joint Workshop on Organic Electronics


The collaboration between HOPE-A and JAPEC is a main driver for the advancement of the Greece-Japan Cooperation in Technology, Innovation and Business in the era of Organic and Printed Electronics.

The topic of the Joint Workshop is to promote networking, twinning, joint ventures and business between members of HOPE-A and JAPEC and their associated partners in order to foster the creation of partnerships, B2B and collaborations through bi-lateral and/or under EU H2020 programmes between Greece and Japan.

This Joint Workshop will take place during NANOTEXNOLOGY 2017 and will present the current state of technology and entrepreneurial activities of the HOPE-A and JAPEC partners in Greece and Japan on Organic and Printed Electronics nano-materials, devices (OPVs, OLEDs, OTFTs, sensors, etc), equipment, precision metrology tools, manufacturing processes, integrated systems and products, and applications in Energy, Lighting, Electronics, Automotive, Healthcare, 3D printing, Wearables, Internet of Things, to name but a few.

You can find out more here.

Friday, 16 June 2017 13:05

EuroNanoForum 2017

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Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, Organic Electronics Technologies and BL-Nanobiomed together with HOPE-A will participate at EuroNanoForum 2017, during June 21 - 23 in Valletta, Malta . Visit us at our booth stand 57. You can find out more here.