The CORNET Month 12 Consortium meeting was successfully held in GRANTA facilities in Cambridge, UK. The first version of the Open Innovation Environment Platform has been launched and will be constantly optimized for its widespread population! Emphasis is drawn into integrating Industry needs in the triangle of Characterization, Fabrication and Modelling of OEs.

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HOPE-A will be at Ope.mena - the First Conference on Organic & Printed Electronics in Middle East & North Africa, January 29 - 30!

Prof. S. Logothetidis from Nanotechnology Lab LTFN will present the "Intelligent Nano-Manufacturing Of Flexible And Printed Organic Electronics" carried out at the Lab. Dr. R. Pechlivani from Organic Electronic Technologies will talk about the manufacturing of "Customized Flexible And Printed Organic Photovoltaic Panels" by the company, and Dr. V. Karagkiozaki from BL Nanobiomed P.C will inform the attendees on "Printed Biosensors For Healthcare And IoT Applications".

Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronic Association HOPE-A is looking for one Manager or Consultancy on Innovation Scientist and/or Engineer in the field of flexible and printed Organic Electronic technologies, their applications and markets.

Key Responsibilities:

• Provide managerial, consulting and technical skills, support and services on various innovations, technologies and processes for organic electronics (OE) materials, devices, production, applications and markets
• Organize, Submit, Implement and Manage R&D&I proposals and technical support them in subjects related to advanced materials, technologies and processes especially for OE materials, devices, production, applications and markets
• Consult, organize and deals with companies and organizations in all value chain, especially new end users in the fields of OE and their applications
• Monitor and analyses production performance metrics to ensure that cost and quality targets are maintained (production yield, defects)
• Identify opportunities for process improvement through the collection and analysis of performance data
• Develop, submit and deliver technical information documents and presentations
• Order tools, parts, services and deal with people all necessary to complete the job, the services and the products of the company

Desired Skills:

• At least 3 year experience in management, consultancy, organization of similar activities
• Experience in advanced materials, printing and/or coating technologies
• Hands-on mentality, able to organize practical work in efficient and cooperative way
• Proven flexibility in adapting to working with new technologies and new materials
• Ability to process, analyze and summarize data sets using Microsoft Excel or Origin
• Ability to generate a summary report using Microsoft PowerPoint and present results verbally in a collaborative team environment
• Execute Action Plan and Initiate Others
• Proven background in managing well-designed and highly polished deliverables


• Master’s or PhD degree or equivalent qualification in Engineering, Materials Science, Thin Film Technology, a scientific discipline and/ or Business Administration.
• Master’s or PhD degree in Demonstrated experience in structuring partnerships and track record of successfully implemented marketing campaigns.
• Outstanding skills in innovation and creativity, system and broader business thinking, communication, teamwork and relationship management and customer focus.
• Strong planning and organization skills and a demonstrated ability to achieve excellent results under time pressure.
• Demonstrated ability to work in multidisciplinary and international teams.
• Ability to cope with pressure and deadlines.
• Excellent technical writing skills.
• Proven experience in in advanced materials, thin films or OEs, with equivalent proven working experience or as a Consultant /Industrial Engineer
• Proven project management skills
• Self-starter with the ability to work, network and interact with specialists from a broad range of backgrounds (technical and non-technical)
• Ability to work in an international cross-cultural setting with industry and academia
• Integrated thinking, motivation skills, demonstrated teamwork competences, communication to broad audiences.
• Proven Excellent knowledge and full written and oral proficiency in English
• Proficient in MS office, Excel and PowerPoint
• Creative thinking skills,
• Detail-oriented personality,
• Excellent manual dexterity.
• Have fulfilled military obligations – mandatory to male Greek candidates


• Full-time employment
• Great working environment
• Corporate philosophy that encourages growth and development
• Be part of a great team leading the OEs industry worldwide

Documents to be submitted:

• A curriculum vitae
• Two recommendation letters
• An official copy of the BSc and MSc or PhD degree certificate

Submit your application along with your documents here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Monday, 03 December 2018 13:11

7th Korea-EU NanoWorkshop

At the 7th Korea-EU NanoWorkshop Dr. Argiris Laskarakis presented an overview of the activities, pilot lines and in-line characterization facilities for Organic & Printed Electronics in Greece.

He outlined the connection of OEs characterization, modelling and manufacturing data to industry applications (automotive, energy and construction) which is achieved in the Open Innovation Environment Platform being developed in the Horizon 2020 Project CORNET.

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HOPE-A was at “INDustrial TECHnologies 2018 - Innovative industries for smart growth” to display its members innovative potential, meet experts from Industry, Technology and Policy and strengthen collaborations for upcoming joint ventures. HOPE-A, also, spread the word on the exciting Open Innovation Environment being developed in the Cornet Horizon 2020 Project to its Stakeholders!

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The 9th Workshop on Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry (Targeting the Digital Transformation) – the leading event in the groundbreaking multi-billion sector of Flexible & Printed Electronics – co-organized by HOPE-A and the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, which was held on the 22nd of October in Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens, concluded with great success and eagerness for collaborations which will make use of the sector’s potential and will drive the country’s economy forward.

The Workshop brought together top Stakeholders from Greece and from abroad coming from a wide range of fields where FPEs are applied and which FPEs revolutionize, i.e. Energy, Lighting, Electronics, the Automotive Industry and Transport, Intelligent Packaging, Smart Textiles and Wearables, Sensors and Biosensors, Healthcare, and their interconnection to the IoT which will digitally transform the Industry. Inspiring talks were given by internationally acknowledged scientists and engineers on how state-of-the-art technologies generated in Greece have to be exploited by the Industry. Key industrial players presented how they integrate FPEs in their business endeavors and what promising applications and challenges emerge. Business Associations and Cluster coordinators outlined their activities in coordinating industrial players with the scope to grab the chance lying ahead and create joint ventures. Moreover, representatives from Venture Capital firms and the European Commission informed the attendees on funding opportunities there are to support their entrepreneurial plans and collaborations.

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photo left - Prof. S. Logothetidis, HOPE-A President, photo middle - (Mr. D. Mantis, President of the Association of Greek Manufacturers of Packaging & Materials, photo right - Dr. N. Li Pira, Centro Ricerche Fiat

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photo left - Dr. G. Gkikas, A. Hatzopoulos S.A., photo right - Mr. P. Kitsikopoulos, ELVE

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photo left - Ms A. Tasigiorgou, European Commission, photo right - Ms. K. Kanteraki, Metavallon VC

The Greek national authorities showed their actual support to the Workshop’s goals, where the Deputy Minister of Environment & Energy, Mr. S. Famellos, and the Director of the Office of the Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications & Media, Mr. P. Skoutas, greeted the event highlighting the significance the exploitation of FPEs holds for the country’s economy and position in the new digital era.

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photo left - Dep. Minister of Environment & Energy, Mr. S. Famellos, photo right - Dir. Office of Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications & Media, Mr. P. Skoutas

In the networking sessions, the Workshop’s attendees shared their experiences, concerns and aspirations in order to find common ways of work towards the commercialization of this rapidly evolving field.

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The Workshop was brought to an end with the Start-Up competition session, where Start-Ups pitched their business and the ones with the most innovative and well-structured plan were subsequently awarded. HOPE-A is at the forefront of promoting the Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics field, adding value to its members and bringing them close with international Stakeholders, with the scope to boost the country’s economy. Off to the next such inspiring Workshop!

Thursday, 25 October 2018 15:01


HOPE-A together with its members LTFN and OET succesfully participated at SYSKEVASIA 2018, which took place 12-15 October 2018 in Athens, Greece. Thank you for visiting our booth!

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Wednesday, 03 October 2018 12:24

IDTechEx Show Emerging Technologies Unleashed

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HOPE-A will participate at IDTechEx Show / Emerging Technologies Unleashed taking place 14-15 November 2018, at Santa Clara, USA. Looking forward to meet you at our booth X20. More information is available here.

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HOPE-A will participate at Industrial Technologies 2018 / Innovative Industries for Smart Growth, taking place 30-31 October at Vienna, Austria. Do not forget to visit us - Booth 22! More information is available here.