Wednesday, 03 October 2018 12:19


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HOPE-A will participate at the 16th International Packaging Machines, Printing & Logistics Exhibition - SYSKEVASIA18, taking place 12-15 October 2018 at Athens, Greece. Visit us at our booth Hall 2 | Stand E34. More information is available here.

Monday, 01 October 2018 10:18

HOPE-A at ICFPE 2018 in Changzhou China

Our members Nanotechnology Lab LTFN and OET - Organic Electronic Technologies with our partners from Korea (KopeA) at the International Conference on Flexible & Printed Electronics 2018 (ICFPE).

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Thursday, 27 September 2018 12:35

HOPE-A at ICFPE 2018 in Changzhou China

Our members Nanotechnology Lab LTFN and OET - Organic Electronic Technologies with our partners from China (IAPE) at the International Conference on Flexible & Printed Electronics 2018 (ICFPE).

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Thursday, 20 September 2018 16:03

CORDIS News article on CORNET EU Project

CORNET is featured in European Commission’s CORDIS news article as majorly optimizing manufacturing in the Organic Large Area Electronics sector together with the H2020 Factories of the Future SmartLine Project (

The news article is highlighting how Printed Solar Cells are transforming Electronics' Manufacturing, and some of the fascinating advantages Organic Electronics acquire, which makes them ideal for implementation in existing and new consumer products in a wide range of areas.

More info available here.

The Workshop will take place on October 22nd 2018, 09.00 am at the Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens.
The Workshop will bring together Top-class Scientists, Engineers, Key Industrial Players, End-Users, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Policy Makers and Representatives from the National and EU Authorities to discuss, network and establish the Strategy and Policy for boosting the rapidly evolving Flexible & Printed Electronics multi-Billion Industry in Green Energy, Lighting, Electronics, Automotive, Smart Buildings, Greenhouses, Intelligent Packaging, Wearables, IoT, etc. and its role in the Digital Transformation of the Industry.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Flexible & Printed Electronics Sector and Activities
  • Manufacturing and Processes of Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics
  • Printed Organic Electronics and Automation in Factories of the Future
  • Tools for the Digital Transformation of the Industry
  • Energy and Lighting for Smart Buildings, Automotive, Greenhouses, Healthcare, etc.
  • Sensors, Biosensors in Electronics, Smart Textiles, Wearables, Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Intelligent and Smart Packaging
  • Clusters and Associations in Flexible & Printed Electronics Worldwide
  • Flexible & Printed Electronics Entrepreneurial activities
  • Funding & Commercialization Opportunities

Visit the workshop's website -

Organized by:

ltfn logo hopea logo

Supported by:

nanonet logo cornet logo smartline logo oet logo blnanobiomed logo pac logo

Workshop's Poster

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Download the workshop's poster from here.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018 16:35


HOPE-A together with the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Nano|Net Research and Innovation Network and the Horizon 2020 Projects Smartonics, Smartline and CORNET co-organized successfully the multi-event NANOTEXNOLOGY 2018.

NANOTEXNOLOGY 2018 concluded on the 7th of July 2018, after an exciting week of innovative scientific, technological, business and networking parallel events. The ISSON18 Summer Schools kicked off this year’s NANOTEXNOLOGY on Saturday 30th of June. ISSON18 comprised fascinating lectures and demonstration of state-of-the-art techniques on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics and Nanomedicine gathering more than 110 students from 28 different countries and 24 internationally acknowledged experts!

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Coming next, ISFOE18, the International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics started on Monday 2nd of July consisting of more than 150 presentations from 35 different countries, to be followed by NN18, the International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, which began on Tuesday 3rd of July encompassing 380 presentations from 50 different countries. During the same day, the I3D18 - Workshop on 3D Printing, 3D Bioprinting, Digital and Additive Manufacturing commenced and was a new addition to NANOTEXNOLOGY multi-events, gathering 150 presentations from 25 countries.

During the fourth day of NANOTEXNOLOGY, inspiring Plenary talks were delivered by three world-class experts, Prof. T. Anthopoulos from KAUST Saudi Arabia, Prof. M. Stevens from Imperial College London UK, and Dr. A. Tomar from Jaguar Land Rover UK. The Plenary Session attendants were informed about cutting-edge updates on Plastic Nanoelectronics for the Internet of Things, Bio-responsive Hybrid Materials for Regenerative Medicine & Biosensing, and Applications of Printable and Organic Electronics in Automotive!

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This year 6 new parallel Special Workshops enriched NANOTEXNOLOGY’s programme with more than 150 presentations. On Monday 2nd of July, the HOPE-A & IAPE (Industrial Alliance of Printed Electronics of China) Joint Workshop took place, bringing forward the cooperation between the two Associations. The Workshop highlighted the technology and entrepreneurial activities of HOPE-A and IAPE members in Greece and China on Organic Electronics and promoted their interaction.

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In the Workshop on EU Projects on Nanotechnologies & Advanced materials for OPVs and Perovskites, Projects’ Coordinators and Participants gave an overview of the progress on the field bringing updated knowledge to Stakeholders. The New Business development & Commercialization Workshop, realized on Friday 6th of July, aimed at fostering actions on the exploitation and commercialization of scientific research and innovations and informed the audience of opportunities for funding at the European level.

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Parallel to the Conferences and the Summer Schools, EXPO18, the 8th International Exhibition on Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine gathered more than 50 exhibitors, creating a vibrant environment of business interactions, together with the Matchmaking Event, which comprised more than 180 bilateral meetings, and the Business Forum with presentations from companies' representatives.

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Thank you for your contribution to this exciting multi-event and for visiting our Booth! We wish your participation in NANOTEXNOLOGY 2018 brought you fruitful discussions, networking and stimuli!

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Thursday, 12 July 2018 11:18

HOPE-A - KoPEA Collaboration Agreement

KoPEA, the Korean Printed Electronics Association, is now an official partner of HOPE-A. The two Associations signed a Collaboration Agreement on Friday 6th of July, at Porto Palace Hotel in Thessaloniki in the framework of NANOTEXNOLOGY 218, connecting their members with the scope to actively cooperate in common projects and push forward the Printed & Flexible Electronics field. KoPEA coordinates more than 120 entities, encompassing Printed Electronics global leaders, such as SAMSUNG display and LG display.

This is the sixth Collaboration Agreement HOPE-A signs with an international partner, following the MoUs with AFELIM (France), oes (Germany), COPT.NRW (Germany), JAPEC (Japan) and IAPE (China).

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(from the right end) Dr. L. Tourasanidis - A. Hatzopoulos S.A., Mr. V. Matskos - OET Organic Electronic Technologies CEO, Dr. A. J. Chung - KoPEA, Prof. S. Logothetidis HOPE-A President, Dr. V. Karagiozaki - BL-NanoBiomed P.C. CEO, and Dr. A. Laskarakis - Ltfn - Nanotechnology Lab

HOPE-A took part in the Month 6 Consortium Meeting of CORNET, where the Specifications of materials, device architectures, manufacturing processes, characterization and modelling parameters were finalized, and the first version of the OIE Database and the OIE Platform were established. The meeting took place on 29-30 June 2018, at Thessaloniki, Greece.

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Tuesday, 10 July 2018 11:25

HOPE-A - IAPE Joint Workshop Highlights

The HOPE-A – IAPE (Innovation Alliance of Printed Electronics of China) Joint Workshop on Organic Electronics took place on 2nd of July during ISFOE at NANOTEXNOLOGY 2018 and was a success!

HOPE-A and IAPE members presented the current state of technology and their entrepreneurial activities in Greece and China and discussed on upcoming knowledge exchange and collaborations.

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Pictures: a. HOPE-A President Prof. S. Logothetidis and IAPE Vice Secretary Prof. L. Luhai, b. IAPE Vice Secretary Prof. L. Luhai, c. Prof. Z. Cui from Suzhou NanoGrid Technology

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Pictures: d. Dr. L. Tourasanidis from A.Hatzopoulos S.A., e. OET Organic Electronic Technologies CEO Mr. V. Matskos


Προσκαλούμε τα μέλη του Ελληνικού Συνδέσμου για τα Οργανικά και Εκτυπωμένα Ηλεκτρονικά (ΗΟΡΕ-Α) σε Τακτική Γενική Συνέλευση τη Δευτέρα 02/07/2018 στο Porto Palace Hotel (28ης Οκτωβρίου 65, Θεσσαλονίκη 546 28) και ώρα 15.00, ως Συνέλευση εξ αναβολής της τυπικά οριζόμενης στις 25/06/2018.

HOPE-A – IAPE Κοινό Workshop

Η Γενική Συνέλευση ξεκινάει με το κοινό Workshop που διοργανώνει ο HOPE-A με τον Κινέζικο Σύνδεσμο IAPE (Innovation Alliance of Printed Electronics of China), με σκοπό την αλληλεπίδραση των μελών των δύο Συνδέσμων και τη δημιουργία συμπράξεων. Στο Workshop θα παρουσιάσουν τα μέλη του ΗΟΡΕ-Α, A. Hatzopoulos S.A., Advanced Polymers and Hybrid Nanomaterials Research Lab του Πανεπιστημίου της Πάτρας και Organic Electronic Technologies P.C. Τον IAPE, τα μέλη και τις δράσεις του θα παρουσιάσει ο Αντιπρόεδρός του, Καθ. Li Luhai, και την εταιρεία Suzhou NanoGrid Technology θα εκπροσωπήσει ο Καθ. Zheng Cui.

Μετά τη λήξη του Workshop, ώρα 18.00, θα ακολουθήσει συζήτηση των μελών του HOPE-A επί των θεμάτων που αφορούν στον Σύνδεσμο.

Θέματα Γενικής Συνέλευσης

  1. Απολογισμός δράσης του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου και προγραματισμός δράσης της νέας περιόδου
  2. Συζήτηση για την αξιοποίηση των συνεργασιών του Συνδέσμου με τους διεθνείς συνεργάτες του, και των αποτελεσμάτων από τη συνάντηση του Προέδρου του, κ. Στέργιου Λογοθετίδη, στο CPES2018 με τον Πρόεδρο του Καναδέζικου Συνδέσμου intelliFLEX, κ. Peter Kallai, για συνεργασία των μελών των δύο Συνδέσμων.

Συνεργασία με τον Κορεάτικο Σύνδεσμο KoPEA

Κατά τη διάρκεια του πολυ-γεγονότος NANOTEXNOLOGY 2018, θα υπογραφεί Μνημόνιο Συνεργασίας του ΗΟΡΕ-Α με τον εκπρόσωπο του Συνδέσμου KoPEA (Korea Printed Electronics Association), Καθ. An-Jung Chung, και θα τεθούν οι βάσεις για την εύρεση τρόπου επικοινωνίας και συνεργασίας των μελών των δύο Συνδέσμων.

Οικονομική Τακτοποίηση

Για διευκόλυνσή των μελών και με γνώση της δύσκολης περιόδου που διανύουμε, το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο στις 26 Ιουνίου 2017 αποφάσισε την τροποποίηση του άρθρου 7 ως εξής:

Για την εγγραφή:

  1. Φυσικά πρόσωπα από 200€ μείωση στο 50%, ήτοι 100€.
  2. Άλλοι φορείς από 500€ μείωση στο 50%, ήτοι 250€.

Για την ετήσια συνδρομή:

  • Φυσικά πρόσωπα: από 200€ μείωση στο 50%, ήτοι 100€
  • Εταιρείες έως 50 άτομα: από 1000€ μείωση στο 30%, ήτοι 300€
  • Εταιρείες 50-250 άτομα: από 1500€ μείωση στο 30%, ήτοι 450€
  • Εταιρείες >250 άτομα: από 2000€ μείωση στο 30%, ήτοι 600€
  • Ερευνητικοί & Ακαδημαϊκοί φορείς:από 500€ μείωση στο 40%, ήτοι 200€

Οι πληρωμές γίνονται στον λογαριασμό του HOPE-A στην Τράπεζα Πειραιώς με IBAN: GR90 0172 2730 0052 7308 3186 504 (παρακαλούμε αποστείλετε το αποδεικτικό πληρωμής στο This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε την πρόσκληση από εδώ.